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Interior Designer implies that there is more of an emphasis on Planning, Functional design and effective use of space involved in this profession, as compared to interior decorating. An interior designer can undertake projects that include arranging the basic layout of spaces within a building as well as projects that require an understanding of technical issues such as acoustics, lighting, temperature, etc. Although an interior designer may create the layout of a space, they may not alter load-bearing walls without having their designs stamped for approval by an architect. Interior Designers often work directly with architectural firms.

An interior designer may wish to specialize in a particular type of interior design in order to develop technical knowledge specific to that area. Types of interior design include residential design, commercial design, hospitality design, healthcare design, universal design, exhibition design, spatial branding, etc. The profession of Interior Design is relatively new, constantly evolving, and often confusing to the public. It is an art form that is consistently changing and evolving. Not only is it an art, but it also relies on research from many fields to provide a well-trained designer's understanding of how people are influenced by their environments.


Residential design is the design of the interior of private residences. As this type design is very specific for individual situations, the needs and wants of the individual are paramount in this area of interior design. The interior designer may work on the project from the initial planning stage or may work on the re-modelling of an existing structure. It is often a very involved process that takes months to fine tune and create a space with the vision of the client.


Commercial design encompasses a wide range of sub specialties.

  • Retail: includes malls and shopping centres, department stores, specialty stores, visual merchandising and showrooms.
  • Visual and Spatial Branding: The use of space as a media to express the Corporate Brand
  • Corporate: office design for any kind of business such as banks
  • Healthcare: the design of hospitals, assisted living facilities, medical offices, dentist offices, psychiatric facilities, laboratories, medical specialist facilities
  • Hospitality and Recreation: includes hotels, motels, resorts, cafes, bars, restaurants, health clubs and spas, etc.
  • Institutional: government offices, financial institutions (banks and credit unions), schools and universities, religious facilities, etc.
  • Industrial facilities: manufacturing and training facilities as well as import and export facilities.

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